posted by PokemonPower
on Mon, 2014-02-24 22:26
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server because of my love and passion for redstone as well as meeting new people. I have quite a bit redstone knowledge, but not too much. Going back to what I said earlier, I love going to as many redstone servers as I can. You get more well known, people notice you, and give you tips. This is a feeling a love and would like to add on to.
Current Redstone knowledge:
As I have already stated, I have a passion for redstone. In fact, I have been using redstone for approximately a year and a half. The thing is, for the first year, I would just derp around and be a noob. Since then, I have been getting better at redstone, both logic and doors. I can also grasp concepts quite quickly. Now, I would like to mention that I have built and ALU, my own adder design (RCA and ICA), a simple calculator, x and y displays, I understand binary, and maybe a bit more. I do actually know how all of these work and could explain them. Currently, I am learning how CLE adders work.
Past Redstone Experience:
Again, I have built and ALU, my own adder design, a simple calculator, x and y displays, I understand binary, and maybe a bit more. I do actually know how all of these work and could explain them. One example is the adders. It basically uses 2 XORs for getting a 1 and 2 AND gates as the carry. This is what I have done in logic. I also do like to do some redstoning with doors and smaller mechanisms not really related to logic. Some of these are tiny 3x3, 3x3 lamp doors, 5x5 doors, and piston extenders.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I would like to mention that most of what I know about redstone logic in Minecraft is what I learned from the ORE server. If this counts as advertising somehow, I apologize.
Application status:
your defineatly going to get accepted :D
maybe, I'll just wait and see
I'm not sure why you were thanking someone, that was not your application, and the kind words from alex34545455 was directed to another person.