Application 7130

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to increase my knowledge on redstone and share devices i built . I would also like to build bigger things with other players at some point. I also like the plot size's and that the size can be increased.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I'd say im quite advanced in some parts of logic components and devices like a cpu and a computer in general. But I'm extremely bad at anything which has to do with comperators. So it would be great if some other players could show me which logic is used etc. At the moment im starting on gpu's ( simple xy decoder ) and barrelshifter ( building barrelshifters is a pain )
Past Redstone Experience: 
the *best* device i have built is a 8bit computer running fibbonacci sequence for purposes. The ALU was capable of inverting a/b/out, xor, or, shift right, and, not a/b. The output of the alu was connected to the registers a/b and to the ram. registers and ram were controlled by the rom ( opcode ) As programm counter i used the neat design by Hanslemurson. the logic functions of the alu were controlled by a instruction decoder which was also attached to the rom ( i used *basic* rom.. no eeprom. -> planning to use eeprom on the next computer. since i used a binary Input i used bcd and bcd to 7 segment to Display the output.
Application status: 


test purposes*

By BigONotation