Application 7151

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
because I'm always interested in redstone contraptions
Current Redstone knowledge: 
redstone's signal can only go for about 15 blocks long
Past Redstone Experience: 
i made a hidden contraption for a locked door you have to find a way to open the door in a room you only got a few things in your inventory theres only carpets in the room so when you put in the items that are given to you in the inventory to the right carpet whack has a hopper on the bottom of it the door will open and automatically close by it self there is some problem to it if the person breaks the carpets the redstone contraption will be spotted
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i don't really know a lot about redstone
Application status: 
Not approved


btw i got something wrong my past redstone knowledge is that i was able to make Tnt launchers i was able to make a secret passage well not very very good at it thats why i wanted to be in the server because i wanted to be good at it\

By GreanadeMC