Application 7192

Cami5x5's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I was interested in joining this server after seeing sethbling build countless amazing redstone contraptions, and I was especially motivated to learn redstone from people after seeing this video where he shows a concept of a MOBA game in minecraft. As I do play League of Legends, I mysellf wanted to create a minecraft version of League of Legends.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Noob: Have almost no knowledge, with very basic redstone knowledge. (As in I know what a lever next to redstone does, but not how to utilize that to anything farther than an automatic farm, in which case I would still need to look up how-to on youtube). I also do not know what the difference between a dispenser and dropper is, what a redstone comparator does, or how most of sethbling's creations work.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Automatic Chicken farm: In a glass cage, there are two stories with the floor being water that is held up by signs. Chickens are in the second story, and whenever they drop eggs the eggs drop down to the first story not being able to float, where they are then dropped into a minecart with a chest via a hopper. The minecart then climbs to the top of the cage, using a hopper drops the chicken eggs into a dispenser, where the dispenser then dispenses the chicken eggs into the second story, creating more chickens and eggs. WIP is a chicken farm that sometimes dispenses cooked meat or eggs. Gate: A basic redstone gate that utilizes pressure plates and sticky pistons. Splitting waterfall: A waterfall that splits into two, utilizing pressure plates and sticky pistons.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I play piano (started learning when I was 5, quit when I was 12). I have three cats. I speak, read, and write Japanese and English fluently and currently learning French. I like to play League of Legends and Minecraft a lot.
Application status: 