posted by TerminatorVG
on Fri, 2014-04-04 18:25

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am interested in joining this server because personally i enjoy working with redstone yes it can get frustrating at times but i dont get annoyed if something breaks i just fix it and get on with it. i would also like to say i have played on many creative servers and instead of building builds i end up making a redstone contraption that may include doors rube goldberg machines armorys that kind of thing. i personally like the aspect of redstone as you can do a ton of fun stuff!
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know quite a bit about redstone preferbly doors that kind of thing but i also enjoy creating ways of making a rube goldberg device or maybe even a analogue clock. i design new more compact ways of making something that is really big and spread out to something quite small that you can fit in alot of small spaces. I enjoy using pistons and one of my creations was a water based door where water/lava came from the ceiling and when you pressed a button the floor pops up and and the water/lava gets removed so you can pass by.
Past Redstone Experience:
one of my largest creation was the analogue which could tell you in game or real life time if you wanted too basically what was used was pistons that went round in a cycle and where there was glass redstone cannot power the block so it leaves on the other side not being powered so that was the output to whether the piston/redstone lamp was powered or not yes you could use either redstone lamps or pistons as the timer numbers itself. in my build i also included am or pm where if the number got to 0 then it would be passed on the line making the next number be powered. say if it was 8:30:01 when the seconds got too 59 then the next number it would power the 0 to make it get to 8:31:00 so it would carry on like that once it has made a full 12 turns it would then power either am or pm to show what time of the day it is.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
yes i would like to say that i dont just work on big projects i also work on smaller type of contraptions like monostable circuits, bud switches, falling edge monostable circuits stuff like. i can also do a few redstone traps which may include say when someone opens a trapped chest which activates the redstone making the piston take the blocks away beneith your feet. (thats just one of the many designs of the traps!)
Application status:
i made a mistake
when i said anologue i really ment digital sorry about that im really tired right now