posted by retr0_creeper
on Tue, 2014-04-08 06:37

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I am currently undertaking integrated technologies unit 3&4 at my local school, this is a circuitry based program to build electronic systems such as robots. Before i started this class I became very interested in minecraft, in particular, redstone. I began experimenting circuits and found shortcuts to make them on a smaller scale. Then I began my integrated technologies class, and it has made a big impact on my circuit designs. I would like like to share my circuits with others so they can enjoy them as well, and improve theirs.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know how each and every different component of a circuit works, including specialized signal-strength-sensitive circuits. How each block and object interferes with a circuit.
I don't think there is much more to know, except lag generators (I won't put one on your server though). But that's my opinion, I don't really understand the question.
Past Redstone Experience:
Have have built 2 different styled game show studios. One is where a crowd comes in, sits down and watch players answer questions. The other is a walk-through type, where you enter a room and press a button for a multiple choice question. If that question was answered incorrectly it would attack you or spawn some sort of mob. These both have working scoreboards built in.
An automated factory was also another thing I had built, you select a lever for a object (or multiple levers if you are crafting something), and then walk to the workbench and press the button. Your object will then be delivered.
I have also built smaller circuits such as: machine guns, cannons, tnt cannons, daylight sensitive clocks, solar systems, auto crop harvesting, fancy lights, programmable music makers, pest control (bats), wireless redstone, etc...
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I have purposely built circuits which are not found on places like youtube, so they are more unique. The only thing i have used from the internet on my circuits was the t-flip-flop (which has been handy), and wireless redstone (which i haven't used in any circuits yet).
Application status: