Application 7237

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to learn more about redstone because i don't know a lot and also maybe get some help if i need that. i can also show off what i have made to other people on the server.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Redstone can travel 15 blocks and if you want it to go for longer you need to use a repeater. i know how to use most logic gates and how those work. i know to to transfer a redstone signal up and down. i can make a repeater clock and a dust-cut pulse generator. a redstone torch turns off if you give it a redstone signal.
Past Redstone Experience: 
i can make a few different piston doors using pressure plates. i can make a automatic cobblestone generator and using it and pistons i can make walls and houses automatically. other than that i don't really have a lot of past redstone experience there might be something that i can't remember right now.
Application status: 


BennyandRuby's picture

I'm glad you got approved, welcome to the server :D

By BennyandRuby