Application 7245

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I want to join this server so i can show my creations and see other peoples ideas and learn from them. ive always been looking for a redstone server like this one but they never work or they are took slow and laggy... this one is almost perfect (because nothing is perfect) and i just want to build and get help from others if i need it.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know quite abit about redstone, like you can use a T-flip flop with 2 buttons to act like a lever but on both sides and i know a few diffrent gates and how to make a 3 button or more passcode( and if you get it wrong a alarm goes off) i can make hiden piston doors and im working on a 3x3 door. i can also make redstone calculators.
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have built a 5x table calculator and almost a 3x3 door, LOTS of piston doors. ive built 3 code and a 4 code passcode lock. i also built a house with a security alarm inside it and put my passcode lock inside it to turn it off. ive always loved redstone and tried and tried to figure out why my fails wouldent work and sometimes i would figure it out and fix it.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I just really want to be a learner and can someone tell me how this learner thing works? like do i get ranks up for what i build? i wasent sure if this thing has to have 2 senteces. Sorry if i have spelling mistakes because my first langudge is english but im learning french and it gets confusing
Application status: 