posted by buildup1
on Fri, 2014-04-25 01:12

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I enjoy learning and expanding my current knowledge as well as helping others. I love sharing my knoledge with my fellow redstoners and building amazing creations. I'm a fast learner and i'm always open to new things. I will try my hardest not to abandon projects and move onto something else. Something unique about me is that I almost never give up. When I start something, I finish it.
Current Redstone knowledge:
The redstoners I look up to are Sidney600mc and Dicotheredstoner. I saw Sidney's 7x7 and that got me hooked into researching, experimenting, and building new contraptions. I know the basics of redstone such as logic gates, doors, etc. I eager to learn how to build a large piston door and someday build a more compact 7x7 than Sidney
Past Redstone Experience:
I am a beginner at redstone but I still can come up with my own designs. I have built other redstoner's design like Sidney's 7x7 stated before. It took me three tries to build because it was either the quad or the quint extender because sometimes the piston won't update but luckily I managed to pull it off! Other designs I have built were cnb's supercharged 4x4 (note this was before 1.5) and many other designs.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I currently reside in the U.S., besides minecraft I like first person shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield. Other than that I love youtube channels like Dicotheredstoner, Sidney600mc, Pewdiepie, Vanossgaming, and others
Application status: