Application 7271

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I love redstone and want to be part of a community of other redstoners and create incredible contraptions. visited the server and everyone seemed fairly nice.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I do mostly computer related redstone and avoid pistons whenever possible. Adders, Displays, Hex . many Gates. sequencing
Past Redstone Experience: 
made an 8 bit calculator/computer with 4 memory cells in a 44x57x12 with: 1000 redstone, 245 comparators, 123 repeaters, 128 redstone torches.controlls: single 8bit binary input, pass through input 1, passthrough input 2, store input1-ram, store input2-ram, send to memory, store in cell(1-4), clear cell(1-4), get cell(1-4)-to ram, Add, send memory to memory(copy data to another cell), memory->external. the Input is sent to temporary memory then sent into the adders OR skips under the adders directly to output, Output is converted from 8 binary lines to 2 Hex lines and into 4 Hex memory cells(dont know if anyone has used the design i did yet). the memory can be called up and stored back into the ram for the adder or send to an external system. this allowes for adding multiple numbers. ie: 4+9. then (4+9) + 3 ; and outputting that. still adding program memory*.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
currently coming up with a design for an extremely compact 64Bit design
Application status: 