posted by ImInForAWuppin
on Wed, 2014-05-07 20:05
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I always enjoyed redstone and have recently been learning on my own. I feel like the only way of moving forward is to have interaction with redstone peers. I hope to learn as much as possible and to be able to understand the more advanced redstone contraptions.
Current Redstone knowledge:
clocks, latches, instant wire, t-flip flops, minecart reactions (changing tracks, detector and powered rails), basic counters, AND gates, NOT gates, NAND gates, NOR gates, tick timing (sticky piston drops it's block at 1-tick or less, repeater tick timing, rapid pulsars (even have my own version that I haven't seen before, even though it may have been done before, it is pretty basic) verticle rs-norlatches, old school repeaters, 1-tick clocks, hopper physics (don't allow things through when they are powered, exactly 150 items can transfer in a minute), pulse shorteners, BUD switches using pistons
Past Redstone Experience:
my best redstone creation to date is a counter that uses hoppers and a pulse shortener to allow an item one hopper forward at a time, with comparators reading the hoppers and powering a torch if the hopper has something in it.
my second best is actually the creation of a youtuber, fabaliki, and I take no credit for it, but it was a cart station that allowed only one cart at a time by locking rs-norlatches for all other carts, and reading that with a t-flip flop near the cart output. I only mentioned this because it was the first thing I learned that was not just the basics, and was also what got me into the redstone community in general.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I would like to mention that I also applied for OpenRedstone and hope to get into both of these great servers, I am always willing to learn and want to learn as much as I can as fast as I can.
Application status: