Application 7283

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Preety fast server, before the server i played on, bit laggy.. xD so, i joined this server so i can get my english better. Plus, better redstone,better way to speak, more knowledge of redstone. And well, i would like to have more fun.. in this server... and that's all
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Making like a Memory Storage,Silent Things[T FlipFlops,Things], Paper,rock scissors, making redstone builds that can make good decorations....., hidden things[Hidden Workbench,stuff],Making Elevators, BUD Switches,Basic Redstone Gates,Repeater locks,seven segment displays.. ,Auto Brewing Station, Double Piston Extender, i guess that's all..
Past Redstone Experience: 
T Flip Flops, Weather Detector Screen [The Sunlight Meter, and the raining and the snowing indicator], Double Piston extender, Night Road Lamps, Stone Printer, stuff.. <!--break--> T Flip flops: just basic using pistons <!--break--> Weather Detector screen: the Sunlight meter was my idea, then the raining was by Minecraft With Dummies, the snow was by using BUD Switches... <!--break--> Double piston extender, is preety clasic.. xD <!--break--> Night road lamps, Daylight sensor with 3 redstone then a redstone torch then that's the light output. <!--break--> Stone Printer: basic stone generator: then pushes into like a piston.. then when it reach the place where there's a redstone torch, the redstone torch gives a signal to the redstone then to a repeater then to the pistons which will push them out.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
nah. ahh idk.
Application status: 