posted by DavLus
on Wed, 2014-05-14 19:49
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I love Redstone. I serached in the Internet for Minecraft Redstone-Servers.... I found a lot but the most were very bad. I "love" this Server because of the ranks and the building Areas. (Sry. for my english im from Swizerland but i do my best :D).
Current Redstone knowledge:
1.) Clocks = normal repeater clock, hopper clock, timed hoper clock.
2.) Gates = And-Gate, Or-Gate, Nor-Gate
3.) Doors = 2x2 Piston-Door, 3x3 Piston-Door, Wooden Door xD.... (there are sooo many types of doors with Pistons :D)
4.) The logic of Redstone : When blocks get powered, when Piston get's powered (all the start now how)
5.) there are so many Thing... I also can work very well with command-blocks but they are not allowed on this Server d:
Past Redstone Experience:
I've build a very easy Elevator without repeaters...
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I don't have to told you more... only the Thing, that i can't speak so good english. xD
Application status: