posted by SilentJana
on Thu, 2014-05-15 17:23

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Because I love Redstone. I love building CPUs, etc... but just with Instrucion sets from the Internet, because my creativity is not very big. Hehe :) I searched for a good Redstone server for a long time, and i hope its a great server... :3
Current Redstone knowledge:
I've built some CPUs, maaaaany(!) ALUs, also some clocks :D, calculators, etc :3
Past Redstone Experience:
Huh... Well a CPU with a 4bit IS from the Internet :P (just the IS cause my creativity = 0 :( )... that used 1 ALU, Subtractior, Jump-IF thingys, no branching cause i dont understand branching (hope i will learn it there), registers or ram, i dont really remember, and a 7 seg display and some other things :D
Application status:
Not approved