Application 7330

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I really love redstone and love getting promoted. I want to be a great redstone builder with help and already know a little. I love testing cool redstone things out and making them, to show my friends. I am smart but need some help and getting help by looking at others people's builds. Visitors have really cool builds but i cannot test them out and need to be a visitor. I am not a griefer or troll but am a very big fan of redstone and like to test things out.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know barely of logic gates but understand EVERYTHING about redstone but can't build. I will understand everything that you tell me, unless you're like. LETS TALK ABOUT ANTROPOMORPHIC ANALYSIS OF RED WIRES. I know how complicated logic gates work if you break them down for me. I do know some things about redstone and especially complicate in pistons and hidden doors. Just kidding. I suck at redstone. But I understand it like a person knows how to walk. I can help others but don't build computers and others stuff like that. I can build secret doors, I love building secret doors. I have a good one to explain. BUT other then that, I think that I should be on this server.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Jeb Doors I have modified and made a super secret door super charged arrow fire launcher (piece of cake) tnt cannons trapped chest traps. I LOVE TRAPS i like trolling but now where it'll get me banned i have made an elevator
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I think I should be chosen because I understand redstone really well and am not a hacker/griefer/troll and can help people and maybe make my own stuff. The SUPER SECRET door is completely hidden, heres how it works (hopefully i explain this clear enough) you have a piston door under ground connected to a toggle-flipflop, which is connected to a timing circuit and a bud switch. It has a stone generator that replaces the stone you break with a piston and when the block is broken, the bud switch activates, causing the toggle flip flop to activate the piston doors for however the amount of ticks on the repeaters in the timing circuit. Summary: you break a stone block, it automatically replaces and opens a underground piston door. Hopefully this is complicated enough. :)
Application status: 


Congrats youe! I didn't know you were 10 too!

By dudecoolcar