posted by FcSbRaduku
on Sun, 2014-06-08 13:38
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I've been looking for a redstone creative server and i found this . Members are quite friendly . I'd like to join the server to be able to learn something . I really like redstone and i think this is the best server where i can play .
Current Redstone knowledge:
Have almost no knowledge . I know just the basic but i like the learn . I know how things works and i understand some gates and when to use them . I really like to make doors , traps and more useful things like an automatic farm. I know how to make some clocks .
Past Redstone Experience:
1 Timer which allow you to damp grass without destroy it . We need 2 hoppers , 2 comparators , 1 redstone block and some redstone . We put face to face 2 hoppers and some items in one . Then we put comparators beside each one connected to two sticky pistons which push a redstone block . We put 2 redstone beside the redstone block and the other position of it . Then we connect the redstone to a block with a redstone torch on it to invert the signal and from the torch we start 2 signals . one without any repeaters and one with 2 repeaters . We connect both signals to a dispenser with a water bucket .
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I hope I will be accepted
Application status: