posted by SkycrafterDP
on Sun, 2014-06-08 14:52
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I like the friendly friendly friends and staffs here, and this is the best redstone sever i've seen. I've joined every server but i couldn't find any server like this.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I currently make timers, only 1 digit numbers, some tnt cannons, traps, etc. I use some command block commands, such as /setblock or /testfor. These are my favorite commands.
Past Redstone Experience:
Redstone Lamp Timers are made by redstone, repeaters, levers, any kind of block,(wool recommended) and redstone torch. the back of the timer has 7 sections, connecting to the lamp. the torch controls almost everything, if you break a torch, a line will disappear. I have more to talk about, but I'll end it. If more description needed, please comment it.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Not really.
Application status: