posted by Agent_Endernuke
on Sun, 2014-06-08 18:05

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Unfortunately, there is a severe lack of good creative servers out there. The only ones I can find are incredibly limited, allowing no redstone or creativity, with itsy bitsy plots and chatboxes frothing with 4 year olds explaining how sexual intercourse works. When I saw this server, it seemed like a godsend.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I enjoy making useless stuff with redstone. Wait, that sounds bad, hold on... *ECHEM* I make optical illusions and secret base entrances and traps with redstone.
Past Redstone Experience:
Probably my favorite thing I've built was a path with a square in the middle that, as you turned around it, transformed (impossibly) into a rectangle. (It's kinda hard to explain without showing it) It was inspired by a moment from the Stanley Parable, one of my favorite games to get inspiration from. I plan on someday attempting to recreate the whole game in Minecraft.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I speak Engish, and, while I try to work with redstone a lot, also build massive 3D statues of monsters I sketch in my sketchbook.
Application status: