Application 7358

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I really want to learn from other members of the redstone community as well at look at the creations of others so that I can help develop my own redstone skills. I feel that by joining this server I'll be able to discuss ideas and methods that will hopefully help both myself and other members of the community in developing new ideas and techniques. I would also like to share what I do know with those less experienced than me and work to collaborate with others to create cool things.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know a fair amount of redstone, all logic gates and how they work etc. I know how binary works and many of the basic concepts of computing. I can build fairly complex ALU's (and obviously the constituent adders etc), memory, decoders, GPU's and some basic CPU's. I also really enjoy inventing new mini-games. I understand the basic mechanics of all the redstone components and have some experience with command blocks, though I tend only to use redstone and pistons in my builds.
Past Redstone Experience: 
My past experience is mainly based in creating minigames, though I also have experience building calculators and other cool devices like piston doors etc. My first major project was building a tic-tac-toe game with varying levels of AI difficulty using a combination of decoders and randomisation, though speed and size optimisation weren't brilliant :( Since then I've build connect 4 games with win detection and games that try and emulate the ios game tap tap. I've also build basic line plotters and built ALU's capable of division, multiplication, subtraction and addition. Other redstone stuff I've dabbled in are things like pistons doors, self-powered monorails and piston engines.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Not sure if it is overly relevant but I've been server owner and admin on several servers, both octopia and one of the original towny servers Minecraft Exchange. Octopia is still up, though I resigned as an owner several months ago. This means I have good understanding of plugins, I created several RPG servers using SQL etc and have a lot of experience in running server and general minecraft stuff :)
Application status: 