
In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i have bilt a town like an npc town but 5X bigger with sky walk whays that looks like something out of starwars but it took time and i whas not on creative so it whas a pane, that and im good with things like backgrawnd like parks and stuf.
Past Redstone Experience: 
have has some treaning in redstone repeters and pistons with most basic stuff with using repeters to delay a charge and using sticky pistons to make fake walls, althow one of the cooler things i have dun is make a indeana jones thing with flaming arrows using lava with fake flores using pistons, redstone works like a charge sent along a whire sent with presher plates and buttons althow with levers and repeters can last untill manualy turnd off like using a repeter to send palses threw arrow traps to ceep shooting and jumping puzzles to make the platforms go under lava for a bit.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
yes, do not greaf others work thay spent time and effert into something that should be treated with respect. do not use anything to give youreself an advantege other than what you are privided sutch as hacks, do not spam ore swhare over the chat other people dont want to here someone raging whan thare talking with a frend, alwhays ask about something if you dont know if its right ore not, do not ask about for primotions, stay creative and not repeditive of the same thing over and over in the redstone area.