posted by Woodybo
on Sat, 2014-06-21 19:15
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I'm interested in joining this server because I've always been fascinated by redstone. I took a break from redstone and Minecraft as a whole for a while but now i'm starting to get back into it again, and i'm loving it. Me joining this server and getting to know everyone will also probably result in me as a better redstoner, because now when i'm stuck in a predicament in one of my projects I can always ask for help. And so far it has seemed that me asking for help hasn't been too troublesome for anyone, it's like they seem obligated to help me. :) This sever is great and I would love to be apart of it. Maybe i can help others on the sever too.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Well first off I know the flat out basics of redstone. I know a few gates such as, the NOT gate, the AND gate, the XOR gate, the NAND Gate, the OR gate, and maybe a few others. I know how to create redstone power lines with out using redstone dust. I know How decoders and Encoders work( I made a large purple decoder in the visitor area). I know how to make a T-Flip-Flop. I know redstone timings. I know how to emit different tick pulses of redstone energy. I know how pistons work, I can make double or triple extenders(I haven't worked out the retraction timings yet). I can also make a couple different display units(I have a 4x4 display unit rigged up to my 16 signal decoder in the visitor area). And That's about it.
Past Redstone Experience:
Well lets see... the first thing I've made in minecraft out of redstone was a 2x2 flush piston door. I've made a 3x3 door, I've made a 4x4 door, a 5x5 door, and a 6x6, but the updates broke my 6x6. I've made a piston elevator. I've made large redstone digital clocks using piston tape. I've made a large digital clock using no pistons. I've made the large 16 signal decoder rigged up to a 16 pixel display in the visitor area. I made a 5x5 etho door also in the visitor area. Then i've also made another 3x3 supercharged door in the visitor area but it suddenly stopped working and I don't know why. But those are my creations, I've had a few more but I can't recall them.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I would hope to learn how to build redstone mini-games and redstone computers in this server those are the goals I want to accomplish from being in this server.
Application status:
Oh. Sorry I forgot to mention I also know how comparators and command blocks function. Sorry about that that. Anyways I can't wait to be a part of this server. :)