Application 7397

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
In order to learn more about redstone.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Binary arithmetic, BCD, logic gates, binary fractions, how to do square root with binary, Boolean algebra, how ALU's work, how CPU's work, and we are currently researching how to take the reciprocal of a binary fraction in order to divide via multiplication.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've worked on ALU's with custom adders that integrated + - x / with one set of adders, and the logic gates. We have built an unbeatable AI for tic tac toe that included: 3 difficulties easy, med, hard (unbeatable), a touchpad to draw O or X, a single input board for both players on the multiplayer setting. Toggleable features include: flashing the winning combination 3 times, a scoreboard with turn indicator, facial animations that represent real-time expressions of in-game situations, the AI can play against itself, and the ability for the AI to have a 1/64 chance of blundering. The AI was done via a multilayered decoder designed to recognize situations that require specific intervention. A JK flip-flop controls whether X or O will display next, which determines the state of the multiplexer on the output of the decoders. The AI and player take turns going first, and when the AI is first it will play aggressively of its own initiative in such a way that will maximize its win potential. I can answer more on this but it could also go all day so I'll move on. Other things include: BCD decoders, 16 segment displays, various adders, barrel shifting multipliers, and fractional BCD decoders.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I don't really work with a lot of moving parts like elevators or GUI's because they aren't my interest. I try to make things solid state if it is worth it.
Application status: 