posted by Shape_Shifterz
on Wed, 2014-06-25 16:38
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I entered the visitors area to check this server out, and it looks brilliant. Im always looking to improve my redstone knowledge and this seems to be just the place, as the server fosters a friendly, creative atmosphere in which genius flourishes. Im not a redstone genius, and I cant write anything here that will make my application stand out amongst the others, but heed this. Im a fast learner and im very determined. Im looking up youtube tutorials all the time to improve my knowledge, and without a server to give me a chance, my potential will never see the light of day. Im hoping this will be the server for me :) Besides all this, what i really really want is to develop my potentiometer for use computers (see below)
Current Redstone knowledge:
I have knowledge of the basic logic gates and redstone wiring. Unfourtunately I am a little behind in terms of advanced applications as up until January this year I hadnt played minecarft since 1.4 ( for reasons beyond my control which will not reccur). I have knowledge of redstone capacitors, and pulse lengtheners, sustainers, decayers & pulse correctors. I consider these my field of expertise, though im working on useful apllications for this, escpecially my signal decayer which is original. They will be very useful in computers, should I get the knowledge of building one, and the environment to do so.
Past Redstone Experience:
The most of my redstone experience revolves around my Pulse mechanisms as mentioned above. The capacitor design I use, (not original) combined with my signal decayer, ( which IS original) acts as a potentiometer. Think of your dimmer switch. This is what it is.
Aside from this specific circuit I have used all the other logic gates.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Im sure you can appreciate my position if you put yourself in my shoes. You may have been me, years ago, or in another dimension =D
Last note: Id like to move to my own plot not to have my creations in the vistiors area destroyed. Thank you for taking the time to review this application, and I hope you can see some potential in me. I could easily have lied and boasted my skill, but honesty is truely the best policy :) Good day =D
Application status:
Edit *
My basic gates I mean RS NOR, T flip flop, NOT, AND/OR gates etc. I Have built piston doors, auto shut off clocks and most other simple redstone piston mechanisms like that. I may have undermined my own abilities lol. Please note this.!!! :)