Application 7416

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I absolutely love redstone, it is one of the only reasons I play. I got hooked on redstone when I saw the BlueStone CPU, and I have always wanted to join a redstone dedicated server to learn more about redstone creations, and to get help when I need it, and to help and teach others.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Currently, I build fairly simple ALU's, I love programming CPU's, Especially skipitup's BlueStone CPU. I can build extremely compact RAM, even Dual-Read. I can make a fast GPU with a 16x16 screen (2x2 pixels). I love messing with logic gates and build machines that are dedicated (and fast) at a single task/game, and I adore redstone computers.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've made a 4-Bit CPU that had 16 bytes of Dual-Read, BUDless RAM, a 6 function ALU that included Invert (A & B), OR, XOR, Carry In, and Flood Carry, it had a 16x16 pixel GPU (Mentioned Above), It had 16 program memory lines, extremely basic IF functions, and a GOTO system. It wasn't too terribly fast, but hopefully my next one will be.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
All the other redstone servers I've tried have been extremely laggy, this one seems much better.
Application status: 