Application 7457

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I play on the ORE Redstone School server, and the servers had been down, so I realized, I could play on two for the logic reasons. If one goes down, I still can play on the other. Also, two servers, two communities, more friends! :) When I first went on to the server, I said I was going to apply, and many people gave me great information about this server, stating that it was clearly one of the best.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I currently know binary, I can make an adder. I know most of the basics concerning the Logic Gates (all but XNOR) I've helped somebody on ORE server create a computer, I've made a Rock-Paper-Scissors, but I'm mostly looking to re-learn most of the things I know, other than the incredible simple things, (logic gates, binary, some things I know, etc)
Past Redstone Experience: 
Well, my best creation would be the 2v2 Rock-Paper-Scissors (Two of the same thing next to each other) It uses many simple components (if player a has chosen scissors, and player b has chosen rock, the redstone would trigger an and gate that would power a lamp telling the players that player b has won)
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I've asked a few people to guess my age, and the answers vary from 12-15. Very funny actually. I also type faster than most people, with my high being about 135 words per minute, and I average about 80 wpm. From the information I've found, the average intensive typing jobs require about 70+ words per minute.
Application status: 