posted by diefordie33
on Mon, 2014-07-14 08:17
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
Because i wanna help this server with its redstone and at the same time i wanna learn some redstone because on a old server i had there wasent comparators and stuff so i managed to use it without it now i can use more creations than before and help this server with its redstone and its users
Current Redstone knowledge:
i dont know much but i will hopefully learn more in this server but i can make piston doors replicas and all that stuff i dont know alot but hopefully yea i will learn here
Past Redstone Experience:
well i made piston doors and that stuff on a old server i was on creative there it was unpopulated and i made unpopulated redstone servers with porftoward but then i realized no one came so i closed it and only used for my redstone but now i found this server
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Nope :3
Application status:
It will be looked at as soon as possible.