Application 7465

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join this redstone server because I would like to improve in my skills and redstone knowledge. I want to see many complex builds that other people in the community build, because I would see how they built the contraption and I would see what they used and use what they used in there contraption to help me build my own redstone contraptions. I also want to help this redstone server grow, because this is a very nice server and should be more popular.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I am pretty good at redstone, about an intermediate. I can make T-flip flops, NOR gates, monostable circuits, and all sorts of basic redstone things to help when you are building redstone. I watch Mumbo Jumbo for when I want tutorials, because he is good at compacting and explaining redstone, which is good for learning redstone. About half the time I do my own redstone, and half I do tutorials people have made.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Very compact 2x2 piston door, triple piston extenders, very compact 2x2 flush piston door - compacter than normal 2x2 piston door - one block high redstone, 2 way trapdoor - you have to hold the space bar to get out, seamless and flush 2x2 piston door, very compact 3x3 piston door, piston elevator - no block placing needed to start elevator, 4x4 vault piston door - using double piston extenders, 2x2 trapdoor.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Nothing else.
Application status: 