Application 7484

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Since the beginning of me playing minecraft, i was always interested in the technology behind it, of course in the beginning i started building those easy things, like chain reactions, i learned much from tutorials, but eventually i started building things by myself, big things, like i made my own design for a connect 4 arena 1.5 years ago, i still use it nowadays. i love redstone and i wanted to meet other people who love it and i wanted people to share experiences with me, and me sharing experiences with them.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I know pretty much at redstone, i didn't put the time into making a computer though, but i think, putting time into it, i could make a small cumputer, I know much about base redstone, but not much about the new things, like comparators and hoppers, i know what to do with them but im not good with it, further on (as i mentioned in the previous question) my biggest creation from now on is a connect 4 arena with an anti-cheat system. I could do more work on redstone, but it gets kinda boring when there is no one around to talk to and so on, yes i could talk with my friends, but they are sadly, not that great with redstone
Past Redstone Experience: 
around 2 years ago i started making different kinds of chain reaction machines, most of the time this was just powdered by different pistons pushing sand or entities triggering other things. about 1.5 years ago i started building a connect four arena, this was done by clicking a button you would power 2 different circuits, one that was going to a switch and the other one powering a piston so it could drop a piece of gravel or sand, the one that goes to the switch simply powers some pistons that eventually, power pistons and unpower pistons so one side cant be used, further on, switching a lever will create a non-seeable floor piston door that let all the entities fall into the void and not creating lag. then at last, something i made around the 5 months ago, a special enchanting system, but most of these enchanting systems work with levers, i made mine with buttons, meaning i had to make 3 switches which power different circuits at different times so eventually things got powered differently.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
this isn't really an opinion or information, but a question, since... i have only seen a max of 3 players online, at what times are more people online (please answer with a time and timezone) Thank you very much
Application status: 


Flandyn's picture

The application is very good and detailed. I believe people play around 14:00 - 23:00 GMT 0. It's the time when americans play at morning - midday. And Europeans play from midday - evening/night. Anyways, welcome to the server!

Best regards

By Flandyn