Application 7487

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i love redstone and i want to learn more about it. It is interesting to see, what some other guys are building and i want that some guys can see what i can do with redstone and what i can do better.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
T-Flip Flop, Piston Mononstabel circut and Piston less, Little bit command blocks, blockupdating, some clocks, binary, how Computer basicly works, Decoding/coding, Multiplier, Adder, Subtractor, divider the shematic
Past Redstone Experience: 
4 wide 6 high Piston door from the sides. A tic tac toe with winner detection, with one Input board + the Settings, like Player Switch, on off(made with about 50 command blocks) and reset. A up and down Counter. A 4 by 4 seemless glass Piston door. And a Micro 2 by 2 glass Piston door.(2 bigger on one side as Piston layout)
Application status: 


i would be happy if i can go on the redstone Server and i am waiting for a answer from you

By Petapetilon