posted by pokeguy1234
on Wed, 2014-08-06 01:21

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
first thing first i love minecraft i'm a die hard bodil40 fan and i decided to play minecraft. i got it as a birthday gift from my dad and i was happy. plus i'm an abselut noob at redstone stuff. and its very hard to find servers that allow redstone.
Current Redstone knowledge:
what i would like to learn about redston is how to make contaption and it work. i've use a little bit of redstone in my single player stuff but i grew tired. and i've seen some of sethblings creations and he just blew me out of the water.
Past Redstone Experience:
i recently figure out how to make a redstone vending machine via youtube. and i learned how to make a redstone endless loop.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
first things first war eagle! auburn tigers fan my dad went to auburn and so did my grandpa.
Application status:
Not approved