Application 7515

pokeguy1234's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
not many servers allow redstone stuff and i consider to be a redstone noob so ya
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i've seen people on youtube make really cool i've made a restone flint factory. and i will like to know more about redstone.
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have absultlutly no redstone experience. but ive made a redstone flint factory basiclly i put pistons and i used an redstone loop circuit and i put pistons at various points. then i put the gravel in a hopper thats connected to a chest and then i open the chest and i break the gravel untel i get flint.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i like minecraft and alot of youtubers but my favorite youtubers is chuggaconroy and the yogscast plus bodil40 and skydoesminecraft. i'm just an advrege joe and i have many stuff in real life like wii 2 3ds and a computer.
Application status: 
Not approved