posted by pokeguy1234
on Wed, 2014-08-06 02:03

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
not alot of people allow redstone and this is the server that does i would like to join because i absalutly have no clue about i only used a few redstone the endles loop one.and ive made a factory towards making glass. plus ive made a endles amountm of fire works come out in one despinser.
Current Redstone knowledge:
only a little bit. you use redstone to make contraption and traps for mobs and other people plus you can use a command block to set spawn and summon stuff plus u can use it to make a lot of stuff in modded survival like tinkers construct and project red.also its use for ftb stuff too like make computers and me systems plus some witchery. also automated stuff.
Past Redstone Experience:
i've made a redstone sand factory and sorting system the sand factory was just a little thing i wip up as a test it puts sand in a hopper by pistons. it rapidly does it and it always goes into a furnace but my most favorite moment was when i created a sorting system but this was in tekkit and i've always use pipes to move stuff.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i'm 14 and i'm in the ninth grade and i'm used to many things people bullying cursing and building stuff in minecraft.*Removed by staff* and i love it here i really like to become a youtuber someday. plus i play other games like team fortress two. i love that game favorite class is sniper and engineer. why sniper he's just an alstrallian hunter and i like the people down under.
Application status: