Application 7521

kcl25's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I am interested in joining this server for many reasons. First it is the first server I've seen of its kind and your community was instantly welcoming, secondly redstone is my favourite part of minecraft and I would like the opprotunity to learn aswell as submit my redstone creations to an audience of caring server members/ staff. Finally there is ony so much you can do being one person and the combined knowlege of 2 or 3 people could lead to amazing redstone creations. I am a kind person who cares about school and learning and will always provide insight and help if I can.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
Ok, I currently view myself as a Novicce/Beginner. I know basic curcuits like t-flip flops, clocks, and locks. My knowledge of redstone is limited (being honest) but I do know pistons/ bud switches semi - well. I know redstone torches like the back of ,y hand though and often have fun putting them to use.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've built a couple of elevators (xbox 360 edition) they have used redstone torch ladders delayed pistons to create a zipper and a t-flip flop at the top to control the down sequence. I have made numerous piston doors using basic redstone usually with a t-flip flop inversions and repeaters. I've built many tnt cannons but since those are mostly generic I wont bore you with the details. Sadly I know I've built more but nothing comes to mind so I guess I'll have to end that here.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I didn't start on PC I started on xbox edition so I am almost inished getting used to redstone blocks and hoppers but I have no knowledge of comparators other than what they do. Although I am only 13 at school I excel in language, math, and science so I am always fun to have a discussion with about real life things or redstone topics.
Application status: 


kcl25's picture

sorry about the typo in the 2nd sentance

By kcl25