Application 753

In-game name: 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
my past creative experiences would have to be pixel art, castles, villages, mansions, nature park, waters slide(with boats), roller coaster, 8 piston trap door, bat cave stairs, mechanical farm, a 250 block long bridge and i don't know if this counts but i also made a parkour map.
Past Redstone Experience: 
my past redstone experience is a mechanical farm, 8 piston trap door, mechanical bat cave stares(the stares fold into the wall and a platform goes on top of it and if you hit the wrong lever you fall into lava but if you hit the right one you make stares), waterside starting point(pistons hold up blocks and when you hit the button the pistons go down and lets the water flow down and an over ride switch that when hit it keeps the water flowing), and a few things in a parkour map(run over a pressure plate and pistons move so you can jump on them but if you're too slow or don't make the jump you die.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i have read and understood the rules completely and would love to be accepted into this server. i promise i will contribute and not grief. if i see a griefer i will make sure to stop it and report it. and also i do not spam
Application status: 
Not approved


if something isn't spelled right or isn't understandable i am sorry