posted by Yarill77
on Wed, 2014-08-20 04:09

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i want to be apart of this redstone community and have a good time building and just being on the server
Current Redstone knowledge:
various traps , tnt cannons, farms , hidden doors , command blocks, commands etc
Past Redstone Experience:
i think my kit selector machine was one of my best of my creations.its very simple to use push a button=class selected=command block teleports you to pressure plate. the pressur plate activates dispencers that give your stuff.then there is a tiny delay before you are teleported tback to the machine.
the machine consist of pistons repeaters and redstone (of course) the machine can be built in 4X4 5X4 6x4 and 7x4
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i am currently learning step by step on how to make a CPU (going section by section and learny how each part works and stuff)
Application status:
Not approved