posted by Yarill77
on Wed, 2014-08-20 15:36

In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
i want to be able to learn and increase my knowledge of redstone but still have fun on the server and create things.
Current Redstone knowledge:
i know how to make various traps , hidden doors,combo locks and xp farms .
i also have a lot of expirience with command blocks and i always check for new snapshots
because you never know how many new things there are thst you can do with redstone
Past Redstone Experience:
one of my best is a Combo lock with order sensitive reset. it uses pistons for the door andif you put in the rwrong combonation it resets.
it also contains t flip flops and a RS NOR latch
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
i am currently learning how to make a CPU
Application status:
Not approved
I'm sorry but...
The applications require that you need to write two full lines. Notice that lines and sentences are not the same. Notice also that writing one sentence and then press enter or shift + enter, won't turn it full. You just need to write two full lines per question. Obviously that isn't necessairy for In-Game name, Age, How often do you play minecraft and anything else you'd like to mention.
I hope you consider re-applying and I wish that you choose to write a more proper application next time! Good luck!
Best regards