Application 7562

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I would like to join the server to learn redstone. don't get me wrong, i know a bit of redstone*. I just dont know how to make huge projects on the server. I come on knowing how to make farms and such and see huge masses of random redstone floating in all the plots. IT BLOWS ME AWAY! That is why i would like to join. *That is a pun.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I was just playing on my private server with a cousin who is FANTASTIC with redstone. He just showed me how to do bianary, in little detail might i add, to make numbers with the different "bits" like puting to together 4 and 2 to make 6, however i dont know what some guy in chat was talking about when he was saying 0101010110101010100101. Because that, i dont understand.
Past Redstone Experience: 
In the past i have just dabbled with redstone. I have made doors, i have made farms, and my favorite, just making tnt cannons that shoot fire arrows into the air at unsuspecting mobs in single player. So i dont know very much about redstone, but if i get applied, im sure the family would help me out!
Application status: 