Application 7626

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
one of my abilities are memorizing thing and how to do them. the second thing is if you teach me something new it will be hard for me to get it but when i do i work way faster. no i can not make a lot of things others cant but i have skills of making new things. but if i discover something i try to create a compact and good model of it. you should choose me not the next person because if you choose me when i learn a lot more about redstone you might create a person that will create new thing or tips or tricks to redstone. the first reason i would like to join this server is because thing is the only good tiny lag redstone server. the second reason is because i love redstone and i like to talk to people and share my creations with them even thou they might not care. what i can offer to this server is a nice person who like to help other people. another thing i could offer to the server is a good manager i had a server of my own once but there we reasons why it got shut down.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
what i know about redstone is it has it own physics that make it called redstone. the first redstone item to help create what we know today was the piston. i do not know how i really got involved in redstone i knew people made cool stuff and i just caught on. then i kept learning more and more till i know today. what i want to learn is first of all this how to activate one block with out hitting another like a tic-tac-toe creation. the second thing i want to know is how to make a redstone calculator. my limit to redstone is well making one block go on but not the other that's all i want to do i make it like a clock or something.
Past Redstone Experience: 
i have seen and heard a lot of creations like slot mechanic, hopper organizer, clock, 3D printer, .etc. i have not made any thing because i do not have a lot of knowledge about redstone. i have learned how to make something randomize, how to make a delay on, etc. i have copied all my models but i made tweaks here and there. have not invented any thing, i have discovered nothing.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
i speak English. i love redstone and cats. can memorize thing i have 45 diz. of pie down. best redstone server ever bin on. that's about it hope you liked my Application and have my fingers crossed to become a learner.
Application status: 