posted by master1gamer1
on Sat, 2014-09-27 22:06
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I enjoy redstone very much, and I would like to learn how to build larger and more complex creations.
Current Redstone knowledge:
I know how to use pistons, make a BUD, and simple concepts(Button opening a door, lights that turn on at night, etc.)
Past Redstone Experience:
A fully automatic sugarcane farm using BUDs. It's a row of sugarcane growing next to water with pistons one block above the sugarcane base. The water leads to dual hoppers which connect to your chests. When a sugarcane grows, the piston checks for updates in the corners. There is active redstone running along in a corner behind it. This also activates the other pistons, including one that resets the signal by pushing a block, disrupting it. It's fully automatic, so one could leave Minecraft open as long as there wasn't anti-AFK to make it work.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
Wish me luck learning redstone on your awesome server. :)
Application status:
I'll add more to ''Why Join''
I would like to join because, well, I am fascinated with redstone. I've always liked playing with redstone, I don't know why. This server has so much to offer. I am only an ameteur in redstone, and would love to learn how to make advanced creations. In return, I would support the server, promote it to my friends, and respect all of the great players who are constantly innovating in redstone technology. I'd also support the fantastic staff who are already supporting me in my development.