Application 7687

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Earlier today i was looking for a redstone server that allowed people to build whatever they could imagine, today I found that server. I have always enjoyed the simplicity of minecraft, but I believe I should learn how to play minecraft to its fullest extent, I need to fully understand redstone. I know how to make small simple redstone creations like a hidden crafting table and a hidden 2x2 secret entrance, but i want to learn how to build big creations, things that will make my mind overload. After i have learned how to construct redstone (and during the construction of redstone) i will help others understand redstone and not see it as just a random item in the game and that they will see it as a tool.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I don't know any fancy terminology for redstone or for the creations. i have only learned how to make simple stuff like a hidden crafting table, a 2x2 hidden door and stuff like that.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I learned (on youtube) how to make a piston elevator (that finally worked) about 2 weeks ago. the elevator works by having pistons staggered (stone, piston, stone, piston) vertically in 2 columns side by side (being opposite of each other). the redstone then is connected to a switch that powers the redstone (i don't know how to explain the rest). It was to get you up floor faster than stairs.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I love your server!
Application status: 