Application 7697

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
i would like to join this server, because i think i can learn a lot of things from the teachers and staff on here and i really want to be a pro redstoner, that would be amazing. and this server looks like i can learn a lot on it. i havent seen many servers like this one really. and the people are nice so far :)
Current Redstone knowledge: 
i have got some redstone knowledge about the basic things off redstone, the gates are stil hard for me. i got involved in redstone when i found out that it excisted really. i was a noob back when i got involved, now i play for a few years and im still at basic stuff but since the last months i am getting better and better (i think/hope).
Past Redstone Experience: 
i created some secret rooms in the past with some secret activation devices, i dont know what logic i used in them, because i design most stuff myself. and i'm not very familiar with redstone logics. i keep forgetting them (especialy the gates). it happened that i created a secret room yesterday and its the most advanced one i made yet. but not that advanced to you i guess.
Application status: 