Application 7704

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Because I want to learn redstoning further as currently and want to learn from others . And maybe do bigger projects because as one person it takes reasonably more time . And the comunity seens great so i would be very happy to join such a good sever.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
As said neary everything. From Logic gates to ROM/RAM even commandblocks (but i try to get away from them because it feels like cheating ;) . I still need to learn a little about big displays and serial communication but a very solid knowlede of redstone.
Past Redstone Experience: 
Ive build ( what i believe ) the most compacted and fast xor gate ( sadly no publishing yet :( ) and a few " Standard" thing like a calculator with 4 operations and a 4 digit display , a code lock and so on... But sadly i have no online publishing of my work.
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
I speak english fluidly , my mother tounge is german but also speak a litte french. I can programm in Python some basic stuff (download avalible if you ask) as well as a big knowlede with linux.
Application status: 


Lantern0315's picture

there is much much more than gates and ROM/RAM like components for PC's, Games with AI's and winning detection, ect.

By Lantern0315