posted by lachy1998
on Sat, 2014-11-08 07:55
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
This server has sharing capabilities, inspiration, and ideas which I could not do as I am locked in the state of redstone-coder logic (thinking of things impossible), and have never had the chance to make a big redstone build that anyone has seen (only my friends and I have seen my older builds), but this server has the potential for that.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Semi-advanced, Advanced gate knowledge, pretty much any peripheral allowed in redstone (lamps, doors, etc.), Traits of blocks not normally used in redstone, not sure if this counts but out of the box thinking with redstone to make the "impossible" possible, and make extraordinary structures
Past Redstone Experience:
I have made a calculator, made of many AND gates, A computer, made of many gates, almost too much too count, which also took up 8 chunks of space, a sorting system made only from my mind, the only bad thing about this is that I have no proof to show that I did make this due to a virus attack on my computer resulting in a system restart.
Application status: