Application for KyleIchiNi

KyleIchiNi's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Mostly looking for a safe refuge to get my redstone fix. Most servers are deathly afraid of it and thus ban it with an iron fist. It gets boring in single player so, here I am.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I've been involved in redstone since the beginning. Since it was gears way back in Minecraft alpha. I helped write the wiki and invented a good many of the original, and since a lot of compact, logic gates and units. To put it softly, a server I just left had banned torches, blocks, and repeaters because, and I quote, "redstone is impossible without them and redstone lags the server anyways." I made a CPLU with a binary-base10-7 Segment decoder and display using pistons, levers, and dust. I did it for two specific reasons. First, there is no reason to fully block out all of redstone because of the actions of a few. Redstone done right doesn't lag. Two, to show them that there's nothing they can do to stop someone who truly knows what they're doing. Can't stop the signal! :P
Past Redstone Experience: 
While there's a very wide margin, the one I'm most proud of would be 5x5 block cell direct stack Conway's Game of Life. That is, each cell was 5x5 with a 1 block border on two sides (4x4 lit area) and no space between otherwise. It was quite difficult to produce the rules of the game in that confined space. It used serial input on the bottom layer from the 8 neighbors. It then sent that serial line to an accumulator on the next layer which counted up the number of 'Alive' neighbors. Next it compared that result with the 4 basic rules of Game of Life and determined whether or not the cell should be alive. Each cell would receive the input and calculate simultaneously (Syncronous). The cells could be toggled via pressure plate on top of the cell and the generation iterations could be automatic or manually stepped through. In all honesty, I plan to remake this on the server as my first project. I miss the ol' bugger.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
Attached Screenshots: I never saved screenshots of much of my work online and I've recently gotten a new computer so... Most of it is gone. What IS attached is old stuff but I reckon something is better than nothing. First shot is a psudo-randomizer attached to Russian Roulette. 8 players (Because 6 is a waste of bits!) in chambers, machine will drop one at a time until one is left and pronounced winner. Good fun for a non-redstone based server. The other two are of my first "major" redstone project. It used T Flip-Flops to create a 0-999 counter and display (Woo, right? Big stuff... yea sarcasm). That was made about 4 years ago. Aaannnyyyways! I'm looking forward to creating some absurd contraptions with many other people who are also creating some absurd contraptions!
Application status: 