Application for fly_snow

In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
Well, I want to join this server not only because I want to be a redstone "expert", or know more about redstone, but also, I want to know more friends, and we can always exchange our knowledge. Also, I love to help people. I can help people that need help, and I'll be happy with it.
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I basically know all the logic gates and a few adders design such as RCA, ICA, CLA, CLE etc. . I also know how to make an ALU and a bit of CPU knowledge, as well as GPU, a few "algorithms" and some "piston-knowledge". I really like "computer-based" redstone because it always attract me.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I went on a few different server and I built many different things. I started to do redstone since 1.4.7. My best creation so far is a add/sub/multiply calculator. It used an ICA ALU to do the add and sub. For the multiplier, I used a ICA "clock" multiplier. It basically keep taking signals from the input and shifting them. I think that's my best creation so far.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
11-15 hours per week
Application status: 