posted by Bate71
on Wed, 2015-01-14 17:28
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
It's been a long time since I could build freely all day with redstone. I've been looking for a redstone server for a long time but none of them were up to scratch. It looks like this could be a good server and I've put it near the top of my list. I never grief. I can also help other people with redstone and stuff.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Somtimes I may seem limited with my redstone knowlage. But then sometimes I just snap into some sort of redstone crazy madman. :D I know the basics and I know how redstone works. I like to experiment but I've never built a redstone computer before. I'd like to know how to build a redstone computer as most of the videos online are just people showing off the computers they have built and never really a good tutorial.
Past Redstone Experience:
Hmm. Recentlly I built a redstone device which activates LED's depending on what rotation an item in an item frame is. It used no command blocks. I also designed my own number display. Which is quite easy to set up.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I'd like to learn to build a redstone computer.
Application status: