posted by HuntingJAGG
on Sat, 2015-01-17 18:46
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I've always been good at Redstone. however, some servers lag, or are only creative, are quite rude. Then I stumbled across this server. I was on for about 10 minutes and I could already see how advanced and friendly the server is. You guys have a school, and I would like to expand my Redstone knowledge. I am already fairly good at Redstone so if you need another teacher, I could help out. overall, this seems like the perfect Redstone server.
Current Redstone knowledge:
This question might be a bit hard to describe in "correct Redstone language" I know the basics, like the 15 power limit, and all the components. I know how to use T-flip flops, inverters, 1 tick signals, clocks, doors, all sorts of stuff. my main limit is compacting it down, (I'm quite rubbish at it) and comparators. I understand what they are SUPOSSED to do, but not what people can use them for.
Past Redstone Experience:
I've never had any "formal" training (if you can call it that). I started a few years ago, just playing around, not having a clue in the world. I then started to look it up on YouTube, and was amazed at the stuff people were making. Mumbo Jumbo, Seth bling, it was incredible. I wanted to do that. so I would watch a tutorial, understand the new mechanics, then play around. I'm pretty self taught, but its effective. I've made a few doors, and other things based on my original designs. my favourite thing I made was a guitar hero sort of thing. sand would fall and you needed to stand on a pressure plate before it got past a certain point. 50/50 randomizers decided where the next sand would wall. if you failed to stand on the plate in time, the thing would reset and you got a "you lose" message. I also made a door that turns into a hall using slime blocks to retract large segments of the wall.
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
6-10 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
I love Redstone, and I would be honored to expand my knowledge and have fun doing so. this seems like the place :)
Application status: