posted by TheKnightofLore
on Tue, 2015-01-20 22:36
In-game name:
Age (Optional):
Why are you interested in joining this server?:
I actually really like minecraft a lot, and my favorite part about it is redstoning. All day all night i would go on youtube and watch videos about redstoning, and i got the official redstone handbook and another book about it as well. I look on the minecraft wiki and sometimes i do experiments and it is really fun, and also i really need a mentor to get better.
Current Redstone knowledge:
Well, i get better everyday, but i know how every block works, well maybe except the one similar to the repeater. I use redstone every time i play minecraft. I have made doors and doorbells and also used a certain simple gate many times ( the one with a torch attacked to a block, which maeks the redstone current change) I have made nighttime and daytime sensors and traps, and multiple other things. I built a redstone pet door once. Some youtubers i ahve watched build redstone creations are Logdotzip, sethbling, Cubehamster innovation in minecraft, and ethoslab. So yeah i know the basics and a little more.
Past Redstone Experience:
Oh oops i listed most of this in the last one. um, i built nighttime sensors, a couple different gates from tutorials, some of thsoe redstone missiles from cubehamster, pet door, some other redstone doors, soem doorbells, traps, tnt minecart experiments in ps3 edition(i was in the end and stacked over 200 tnt minecarts together and as you know, tnt minecarts stack explosions, so when they blewu p, they didnt actually blow up, some went off the tracsk and everything in the game except player movement froze, the ender dragon stopped moving, the minecarts were stuck in place, and the void didnt kill me) and some other things happened...
About how often do you play Minecraft?:
1-5 hours per day
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional):
A tiny bit off topic, but one time my world was corrupted horribly, lemme explain. In the world where i spawned, after a while of adventuring, i made a nether portal within three MC days and had about 20 diamonds(i know, legit). I went to the nether and when i was there i was blaze farming like a beast until some ghasts snuck up on me and i was pinned in the same room where i kept going up the stairs to smack a blaze and than come back down. I panicked and thougth blazes would start coming down so i ran out onto the bridge and the blazes and ghasts started burning me and i lost my judjement and right efore i died i ran to the side of the bridge and died and lost half my items. What made me mad was the most important itmes were the only ones that i lost. (what are the chances) So after that i respawned and went exploring elsewhere and i found a chunck that was missing so i went on the wiki to figure out how to fix it. The wiki told me how, but nothing worked. So i went on. later I had to get off and when i got back on only a certain part of the world was there anymore, including the world hole, so i relogged and when i did it was worse. There was NOTHING, i was just floating in the void without falling or being able to move around so i deleted the world. The world holes are like black holes. they suck in the world until its all gone. DUN DUN DUN! lol just wanted to share this.
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