Binary Minigame

Conman0115's picture
Build image: 
In-game name (NO VISITORS! Must be LEARNER rank or higher!): 
Builder name(s) and current ranks: 
Burokkus:learner Bazookabunny2700:Builder
Creation location: 
-627.011 101.00000 49.993 (/warp Binary)
Machine Features: 

This machine Has a Start button with a off button and emergency off button as well. It has music feature too that allows you to turn music on and off. Besides that the major components are a simple redstone clock, A hopper dropper randomizer, and a 3 live system made with sand.

How To Use: 

To start the game hit the button on the green wool and to stop it hit the button on the red wool. if you need to quickly turn it off hit the button on the obsidian. Basically to play when the lamp is on add the number thats under it on the sign to any other lamps that are on and put the answer in the big number bar. You can keep playing as long as you want and there is no win system in it yet so just play until you run out of lives. You can also turn the music on and off by hitting the button on the note block. If the light is on over the note block then the music is off.

Request status: 
Not approved


MeSoLost's picture

Answer ROM - eh, cant be any other way. Simple XOR check for result. One of the clocks (obsidian) literally does nothing at all, not hooked to anything. Music could use work, failure to see noteblocks side by side trigger at same time, repeater delays harmony note disrupting music flow. Music has long pause due to looping method used. Life system is non renewable (sand). Youtube randomizer (cant be helped for true randomness, no real issue with this) Nice use of comparator decay timer for a "timed" entry. Overall rating from me is learner level creation.

Use a TFF system for lives so you don't have to refill sand by hand and litter the learners area when it's "cleared"(sand dropped)
Time music better, place blocks side by side (you can go 3 wide and all 3 trigger), maybe use other items below noteblocks, (check wiki, theres more than just a piano!) Maybe use a solid loop and trigger it with a mono-stable pulse THEN use a piston block remover to stop the music so the music doesn't pause for as long as it lasts.
Recheck your build and remove unnecessary parts (obsidian repeater loop that does nothing)

Sync it, make it neater (spaceing, bussing, extra stuff) and I'd be more impressed. =D But you got a good start for a lovely binary tutorial game! I'd love to see it finished.

By MeSoLost
Conman0115's picture

I have made several changes to the mini game and some of the how to use features have been changed to you can look at how to play signs. i have used a TFF system for the On/Off button and the live system is changed. though the warp and cords are the same

By Conman0115