Application for UpsilonLabs

UpsilonLabs's picture
In-game name: 
Age (Optional): 
Why are you interested in joining this server?: 
I've been an admin and an owner in past few servers and after I've quit all of them, I've pretty much since then been looking for a new server. I've always also had interest in redstone and other Minecraft mechanics. During when the servers still existed, I used to commonly go onto a creative map and build random redstone machinery, sometimes smaller, sometimes larger. It became a hobby of mine, in fact it has been ever since I started playing Minecraft. I believe I was also the first one to add the ABBA switch to the wiki (although not the first to find it) as 'Sequence Activator' (English is not my native language and it wasn't as good back then).
Current Redstone knowledge: 
I already know a lot about redstone and command blocks (if that counts). Even though I sometimes still need to look up some of the more complicated logic gates, I mostly remember those and other flip-flops and latches by heart. If I don't happen to remember some latch or flip-flop and don't bother looking it up, I'll also try to emulate it using some creative mechanism or fashion if just possible.
Past Redstone Experience: 
I've created a somewhat-functional 8-bit redstone computer with somewhat 64 bytes of RAM, although it's now lost since it was in one of my old servers. Along with this I've designed a wide scale of redstone mechanisms for different minigames on the servers. Some other creations I've done are an analog signal adder (signal with strength 1 + signal with strength 1 -> signal with strength 2), several 8-bit full adders, a 32-wide jukebox disc detector (2 per every single signal level) and several piston doors.
About how often do you play Minecraft?: 
6-10 hours per week
Anything else you'd like to mention? (Optional): 
This is that one server that genuinely interested me after finding it out on the list apart from other servers (there isn't too many redstone servers, which is a shame). The attached pictures are from my old redstone designs (maybe from 2013-2014). I'm also a programmer and coder, and a math enthusiast. (I used to be known as CosmoConsole)
Application status: 